Our Mission:
To glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).
In obedience to this mission, the chief aim of every Harvest ministry is to make authentic disciples of Christ who follow His ways in their Worship of God, their Walk with Him and their Service to Him.
Our Distinctives:
FERVENT PRAYERDependent and Expectant Ephesians 6:18 |
PASSIONATE WORSHIPSpirit and Truth John 4:23-24 |
BOLD PREACHINGExpository and Applicational I Corinthians 2:1–5 |
PURPOSEFUL DISCIPLE-MAKINGIntentional and In-community Ephesians 4:11-16 |
COURAGEOUS EVANGELISMWord and Deed Matthew 9:36-38 |
STRATEGIC CHURCH PLANTINGTogether and Around the World Matthew 16:18b |
Our Goal: Quality Disciples
Everyone who authentically follows Christ goes through a continual process called sanctification. This simply means that we’re becoming more and more like Jesus.
Around HBCTCI you’ll hear that we emphasize your relationship with Christ, in terms of your worship of Him, your daily walk with Him, and how you serve Him. When we’re intentional about honoring God in these ways, we can’t help but become “mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28), growing deeper in our relationship with Him and our relationships with others.
Disciple-making is worked out together in our ministry to one another! Come along...let's help each other become better disciples of Jesus Christ!