Join us sundays at 9:00 & 11:15AM

Our Vision: Growing deeper and going further

Our Mission: 
To glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

In obedience to this mission, the chief aim of every Harvest ministry is to make authentic disciples of Christ who follow His ways in their worship of God, walk with Him, and serve Him.

Our Goal: Quality Disciples
Everyone who truly follows Christ goes through a process known as sanctification. Simply put, we are becoming more and more like Jesus. Around HBCTCI, you'll notice that we value your relationship with Christ in terms of your worship, everyday walk with Him, and service to Him.

group study

When we intentionally worship God in these ways, we become “mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28), becoming closer to Him and others. We make disciples together in service! Do you want to experience this in a loving community? Join me in helping each other become better Christians.

Our Distinctives:




Dependent and Expectant

Ephesians 6:18




Spirit and Truth

John 4:23-24

bold preaching



Expository and Applicational

I Corinthians 2:1-5

purposeful disciple making



Intentional and In Community

Ephesians 4:11-16

courageous evangelism



Word and Deed

Matthew 9:36-38

strategic church planting



Together and Around the World

Matthew 16:18b

Our Values: 

An Intentional, Welcoming Environment.
Christ's love is made manifest in a community that actively seeks to welcome newcomers. It's something regular attendees and newcomers alike should anticipate while visiting a church. When it doesn't happen, people think that it's the opposite of who Christ is and what He says. It is essential for a bible teaching church to have a warm and inviting atmosphere.

Excellent, High-Impact Gatherings. 
A high-impact service where the presence of God is manifested, it’s the result of people hungry and thirsty for God Himself. 

Biblical, Digestible Teaching. 
God's word is spoken and taught so the audience can apply it to their lives.

Dynamic, Attractive Creative.
We all have an appreciation for beauty and tasteful creativity. We want to ensure that space is given for creative beauty to come forth in what we do and how we do it.

Personal and Compassionate Care. 
Those who serve, serve better when they are taken care of. If those who serve in the ministry are loved beyond expectation, it would positively impact their service.

Reliable, Consistent Experience.
Consistent excellence does not happen by accident; it takes feedback and communicating clear expectations.