Join us sundays at 9:00 & 11:15AM

Harvest Bible Chapel TCI is committed to delivering expository preaching with a unique blend of biblical depth and practical application. Our approach to teaching is rooted in a deep reverence for the Word of God, seeking to unlock its timeless truths and principles. Through expository preaching, we strive to make the scriptures not only accessible but also deeply meaningful to our congregation.

We understand that true transformation occurs when the Word of God is not just heard but also understood and applied in our daily lives.


Our aim is to present the Bible in a way that is both biblical, maintaining the integrity of the text, and digestible, ensuring that everyone can grasp its profound message and relevance to their walk of faith. Join us on this journey of exploring God's Word, and together, we'll discover how its timeless wisdom can impact and shape our lives today.

A Committed Disciple

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A Committed Disciple

What does a committed disciple of Jesus look like? There are several indicators, and we are going to unpack each one of them in this series.

February 5, 2023

Commit to Growing in Community

Speaker: Kenyata Lewis Series: A Committed Disciple Topic: Commit to Growing in Community Verse: Acts 2:42–47

January 22, 2023

Commit to Serving God

Speaker: Kenyata Lewis Series: A Committed Disciple Topic: Commit to Serving God Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:5–15

January 15, 2023

Commit to Worship

Speaker: Kenyata Lewis Series: A Committed Disciple Topic: Commit to Worship Verse: Genesis 1:1

January 8, 2023

Commit to Attending Church

Speaker: Kenyata Lewis Series: A Committed Disciple Topic: Commit to Attending Church Verse: Acts 20:7–38

January 1, 2023

Be Committed

Speaker: Kenyata Lewis Series: A Committed Disciple Topic: Be Committed Verse: Hebrews 12:1